I know this is coming a little late for most of you, but MERRY CHRISTMAS! I found out last week through some of our Russian fans that Christmas is not December 25th everywhere - that some countries celebrate on January 6th or 7th... So if that's you, then I'm early!
We haven't been blogging and Manic Monday-ing as much lately, partly because of trying to focus on writing and getting some other stuff squared away - but a large part of that is because of preparing for and celebrating the holiday season. We should be back on a regular schedule soon - though we won't have Manic Monday this week - a few of us will be out of town.
I got back last night from an extended Christmas weekend - starting on Thursday with my in-laws, and traveling mid-Christmas day to my childhood home. It's interesting how much things change as I grow up, and how much they stay the same... I kept taking note of all the things that are either old or new traditions that make the season meaningful to me... So I've made a short list...
It just isn't Christmas unless:
I'm surrounded by my family - which is growing more and more (my newest neice celebrated her first Christmas this past weekend!).
Throughout the hustle and bustle, I stop and remind myself that the whole point is the birth of Jesus, and that everything else is just different ways to celebrate that.
No matter how much you try, kids will end up playing with the packaging and boxes almost as much as they play with the toys.
My mom makes homemade donuts. (You've got to get them while the gettin's good - they don't have Krispy Kreme's preservatives, so they don't last more than a day)
I blare Christmas music. Pandora is one of my favorite internet inventions. Everytime the Vince Guaraldi Trio's version of "Christmastime is Here" (from A Charlie Brown Christmas) comes up, I have the burning desire to sip some hot chocolate while wearing my Shrek slippers, sitting in the dark except for the lights from our Christmas tree. Even when I'm at work. Which would probably bring some odd looks if I followed through with that...
I get mad at myself for eating too many sweets, and possibly pass out into a sugar induced nap.
Somebody cries from overwhelming emotion. (Besides the children) It's often me... I'm a softy.
After gifts are exchanged, everybody migrates back to just sitting around and talking, putting a puzzle together, playing a new or old game - kind of a reiteration of my #1 and #2 - that it's far less about the stuff than it is about the people and the season.
I know I've missed a number of things, but that's just what's in my head right now. And I also know that not everyone celebrates Christmas - that Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and a host of other holidays are around the same time. So feel free to wish me a happy whatever you celebrate!
What is it that makes the Holiday Season special to you? What are your traditions, or ones that you're wanting to start?
Again - Merry Christmas - and a slightly early Happy New Year!
Dec 28, 2010 @ 3:44pm
Every christmas eve i get to open a few gifts early with the extended family and this year i got to watch Edward and his uncle celebrate and unwrap their gifts. they've never technically had a christmas with trees and gifts. Now i can't get edward to stop playing with his remote control car that does stunts.
I have kinda started to lose sight of the joy that comes around each christmas due to being in retail for five christmases. I'm hoping all of that chnages.
I know and understand what CHRISTmas is really about but the enjoying the fun and laughter of shoppping for gifts has left me.
Jan 11, 2011 @ 3:12pm