Hey guys, hope this blog finds you all doing well! Just wanted to give you all an update on what's happening in the Bloom world.
We've just announced a show that we'll be playing in New York. We're all very pumped about this. Hilde and Brad the sound guy have never even been to the Big Apple before, so I know they're very excited about the trip. The last time I went was back in 2000. Wow, that was weird just typing it. Ten years ago.... What were you doing ten years ago? More specifically, what were you all doing when you found out about the World Trade Center collapsing in 2001? I remember I was outside during marching band practice (yes, I was band nerd; but, at least I was cool in the realm of nerds since I was a drummer). I remember hearing about it from our band director and didn't really believe it at the time. We all went in to our classes for the day and did nothing but watch TV coverage and talk about it the rest of the afternoon. Thinking about that is still a bit surreal...
Anyways, back to happier thoughts. Our show will be during the annual CMJ Music Marathon Festival. This festival features some of the best and brightest upcoming bands. Muse was actually "found" (as far as US markets are concerned) at CMJ! Pretty cool... Hope to see any Bloomers in the area at the show! You can view details about this show and any other shows we play by clicking on the "Tour" link on the top of the page.
Thanks for your support. We couldn't do this without you guys.
Sep 22, 2010 @ 1:20am
New York!! That is awesome!
I was sick at home when WTC tragedy happened. I saw it on tv after 1st impact thinking it was an accident, then all the unbelievable things after another started happening. I followed the news almost non-stop for days after that.
I remember finding out about Muse from an Austrian guy (i'm Swedish), he linked me the song Plug In Baby few months before "9/11" i believe, and i had never heard of them before.
Sep 22, 2010 @ 4:38am
I was actually outside during marching band practice too. I was section leader on Snare and was playing taps while everyone else was learning their assignments when our conductor announced what was happening. It hit closer to home for me because my parents were flying from Detroit to Orlando and were in the air while all of it was happening. Luckily, their flight wasn't invloved in the tragedy of that day.
Sep 22, 2010 @ 5:57am
Well ten years ago I was in class for my senior year.
During 9/11 I was sitting at home watching one of the morning shows on WSBTV (a local news channel) and it switched over to it. I was crying. I have a best friend that worked and literally lived just a mile or two from WTC and I couldn't get a hold of him and I was so scared that I had lost him.
My mother called me to tell me to stay in the house, lock all the doors, close any curtains and windows and the garage and not to go outside. Not even to get the mail or to go to my aunts house who lived across the street from where I used to live.
Four days later my best friend came online and told me that he and his family were safe.
Then Nov. of that year I nearly lost him to a drunk driver running a redlight.
It's weird how people can turn in one direction after something like 9/11 and then turn their heads again only years later. It's like the american citizens are sleeping again.
Anyways. Have fun in NY and think about me because I've never been to NY either.
Sep 23, 2010 @ 2:57pm
Kristee...I'm so sorry about your friend!
When 9/11 has happened I came back home from school. Every TV channel in Russia aired the view of a smoking tower. Actually, the second plane and the fall of both towers there was live right on my eyes.
I did not lose anyone in the attacks, thank God! But few weeks ago Oksana called me and said what a bomb exploded next to her office. 72 peoples died. And it happens very often in the town she lives.
But...we have to think about the better things! =)
MANIC BLOOM WILL PLAY AT NYC!!! Pretty exciting, but so...amazing! Keep confident, guys! You're the best! ; )
Sep 23, 2010 @ 4:13pm
It was certainly quite the day.
I was actually at an internship at The University of Pittsburgh, riding a shuttle between medical centers. We got the news via the director getting a call on the bus, and were all amazed that a plane "accidentally" hit the WTC. Next thing you know, were in a highrise in pittsburgh, tucked on the bottom floor listening to the radio at the reception desk while it all unfolded. I didn't get an idea of what had actually happened, until hours later on the way home when the entire city was a ghost town, in the middle of a work day.
Flight 93 crashed in shanksville and practically all of pittsburgh eveacuated. What a day, and as Kristee mentioned, its amazing how people can forget something like that. There are many proud Americans like myself that dont just remember it one day a year, but forever. I still have pieces of insulation, carbon-fiber, and even bone from the plane that went down in Shanksville... its hard to forget when you see what blanketed the town miles away from the crash site.
On to brighter things, that must have been one HELL of a marching band with those sticks on board... your were the Jock of the band, dont lie...
ROCK NYC to its feet! I know firsthand how possible that is, and wish I could be there for it! (lived in Pitt all my life and have NEVER been to the apple). Cant wait for the next show fellas!
Until the next...
Justin C
Sep 23, 2010 @ 4:28pm
I woke up to go to school (my second week of sixth grade) and my step-mother had the news on as she always did. they started freaking out and saying a plane had hit the towers. I remember wondering what the big deal was, because i figured planes always crashed. then the second plane hit and i was amazed. My step-mom started losing her mind. I was pushed out the door to go to school wondering how two different pilots didnt see the buildings. then at school teachers explained the meaning of what happened, and why it was a big deal. I didnt even know what a terrorist was before 9/11.
Sep 25, 2010 @ 11:16am
I was a sophomore at the University of Kentucky... I had to walk several blocks to campus, so I was unaware of anything. I remember Paul Frields (a fellow trombone player from high school) who was in my calculus class telling me a plane had hit the WTC. After class I went to the student center and watched as the second plane hit...
I was actually in NYC that March playing in the pep band at the NCAA tournament... We were there for about a week and went to the WTC; someone in the group was buying tickets to something...
I have a friend who now lives in Jersey City and visited him back in 07... Saw ground zero and a memorial museum nearby... One of the displays that stands out in my mind was a developed roll of film... it was the last roll that this photographer took before he died in the collapse!