Manic Bloom Radio


It's a Shark
Posted by Andy on May 11, 2010 @ 10:28pm

Hey Bloomers,

This is just a story that has nothing to do with music or our band...but a good one, i promise.

I just wanted to write you all real quick about an amazing trip that I just got back from in West Palm Beach Florida.  I originally went down for a wedding, but came to find out that my Father in Law had some big plans ahead for our little mini vacation while we were there.  While we did many fun things from golf to great eats in Miami, I have to tell you about a very interesting portion of my trip.

  One of the mornings Papa told me that he was going to take me and my future brother in law, Luke Smallbone out deep sea fishing.  Luke and I hardly slept the night before as we had never had the opportunity to do so.  We were like to 5 year old brothers on Christmas morning.  As we took off from the dock the waters became very rough and it was like being on a roller coaster ride in the middle of the ocean. (No, i did not get sea sick, thank God)

  In the beginning we were not having much luck with catching anything, but after an hour or so that all turned around.  If you have never been deep sea fishing, it is a little different than the ol' Indiana way of putting a worm on the hook and gazing at a piece of orange styrofoam for hours on end.  This was quite involved...6 inch fish held on 2 hooks followed by giant sinker...and your thumb better be ready for some holdin', cuz there ain't no nice little handy button to stop your whole reel from letting into the 300 foot abyss.  

  All this to say, we were just about ready to wrap it up and the captain told us to all pull our lines in when I got a huge bite...I mean this was the most tug I had felt all day....I was slowly, but surely bringing in my great catch and closer and closer to the boat he came...I could feel my fatigue of the 5 or 6 minutes of tug and release starting to set it...when suddenly my line and hook just took off like wild fire.....Zingy zing zing....I was just watching the line disappear on the reel about as fast as it could go out...I'm tugging, but to no avail...then.....then.....nothing.



No Tug!

No zing zing!

No bent pole.

As I reeled in, what I thought was a broken line, I found that my little 6 inch fish had caught what seemed to have been a 24 inch fish at one time, but now was just a head ripped from its body  because a SHARK had stole my prize possession.  As I thought about the way my bait had to take one for the team, the 24 incher had to take one for the team...and the shark...well, he just straight up stole from me.  So, my question to all of you sharks have to deal with karma?  

What do you think?



May 22, 2010 @ 5:29am


I live in Florida and that kind of thing happens to me all the time. I go deep Sea fishing a lot and it is really fun. I hope you had a good time in my home state!!!

Your fan,


May 31, 2010 @ 9:01am

I don't believe in karma, sorry dude

Cole Morris
Jun 1, 2010 @ 5:04pm

Well I've been deep sea fishing before, although I've never been the one to make the big catch.  it's just really more about the time spent with the other guys, cause it really is a fun thing out there.

Shark karma?  Nah.  Let's pose a hypothetical here: Zombie Apocalypse, your animal instinct of survival kicks in.  You're starving, so you do whatever it takes to get food.  Does it make you a bad person if that means another human dies?  No, it's just nature.

Anyways, sorry I've really been chronically absent, as the school year comes closer and closer to an end, I have more loose ends to wrap up, so I've been really busy, and yesterday I was on my way home from Columbus with Nicole :).

Next Monday I'll hopefully be there, and after that I will forsure cause it's summer! 

Hope all is well, can't wait for the album release.

Jun 15, 2010 @ 2:40am

no, sharks just eat things.

Debra Minier
Jun 25, 2010 @ 12:38am

Oh Andy, that is so funny.  I'm so glad you all were able to go on that vacation together.  I can imagine you & Luke not sleeping in anticipation of the new adventure.  I'd probably be the same in anticipation.  Thank God for all of my Helm family as it continues to grow!  Great chat on facebook with ya; thanks for the info & blessings.  God bless you & much success to you & MB! --Aunt Debbie