You might be wondering what the subject is about... That's at the end of this blog...
Quick update! EP is recorded, mixed and mastered!! We've been working on the artwork for the last week or so, and I think we've got it nailed down so we'll be sending it off to the manufacturers the beginning of next week! WHOO HOO! The actual release date looks like it's going to be sometime in July. I know, I know - we said it would be out in January, and we've been stringing everyone along for a really long time - but we're in the home stretch! We've still got quite a bit of work to do (new design for the website, new press materials and bio, a bunch of videos about the songs and the recording process, a secret website project, etc, etc - all the stuff that goes along with a new release). Hopefully you'll be able to hear the songs well before the actual release date (especially if you've pre-ordered the EP...). We're trying to be smart about everything, so that it doesn't show up on torrent sites before you can even buy it from iTunes!
In other news, recently I was fortunate enough to spend a bit of time in France and Italy. My wife has wanted to go since she was a little girl, so we've been saving for the past five years to take the trip, and I'll leave you with one story:
We were flying from Rome to Paris in order to catch a connecting flight back home, and I set the metal detector off going through security. No big deal - I kept going back through, taking things out of my pockets, trying to find the culprit - but I just couldn't find it. Finally, the female security guard who didn't speak much English said "Take off your pants."
My... My pants?
Are you asking if I have any pens? I don't have any pens.
"Take off your pants."
So, there I am, about to take my pants off in an italian airport (I figure being pantsless in the airport is better than some of the other searches I might have to endure), when the guard again says "Take off your pants," and tugs on her belt.
Ahhh! My belt!
Kevin C.
Apr 30, 2010 @ 6:10pm
Haha...You know what? I got a experience like yours, except the security didn't tell me to take off my pants.
Years ago, I passed through the metal detector at Macau International Airport, the beeping sound went off. Like you, it's all because the belt.
Debra Minier
May 1, 2010 @ 4:44pm
Hahaha! Oh the daily struggles! Can't wait to hear the new release! ;)
Cole Morris
May 2, 2010 @ 7:03pm
Hey guys,
Sorry I've been sort of absentee lately, I've had a ton of sh*t go down, so I really haven't got the chance to tune in and catch up with you guys. However, I have been diligently reading your blog posts, and I'm finally able to respond to one. I believe it was the post before this that had a sentence or two regarding tour venues to check out. House of Blues, Wolstein Center, Peabody's, Grog Shop, Blossom Music Center, and The Agora all around the Cleveland area. You guys hit any of those places and you can guarantee I'll be there.
Tomorrow's Manic Monday, and I'll finally be attending again! It's about time, I've missed you guys these past few weeks, but I have some good stories to tell you guys now, so I suppose it's all good.
Keep on the PD you guys, and I'll be tuning in in 21 hours :D
Cole Morris
May 2, 2010 @ 7:03pm
Hey guys,
Sorry I've been sort of absentee lately, I've had a ton of sh*t go down, so I really haven't got the chance to tune in and catch up with you guys. However, I have been diligently reading your blog posts, and I'm finally able to respond to one. I believe it was the post before this that had a sentence or two regarding tour venues to check out. House of Blues, Wolstein Center, Peabody's, Grog Shop, Blossom Music Center, and The Agora all around the Cleveland area. You guys hit any of those places and you can guarantee I'll be there.
Tomorrow's Manic Monday, and I'll finally be attending again! It's about time, I've missed you guys these past few weeks, but I have some good stories to tell you guys now, so I suppose it's all good.
Keep on the PD you guys, and I'll be tuning in in 21 hours :D
May 6, 2010 @ 3:10am
WOW, That's funny as hell!